I shared on how to make Pickled Salmon in my last post and today I will be giving tips on how to whip up quick meals using it. Make a supply on a free day, store it well in the refrigerator and use it as and when you are in need. Let's start off by making omelette wraps.
FM's Pickled Salmon4 eggs
1 sprig cilantro / coriander
Pinch of salt
Pinch of black pepper
Cooking oil
- Lightly beat eggs, chopped cilantro, salt and pepper.
- Pour 1/4 of beaten eggs in lightly oiled and heated pan. Gently flip over when cooked and spread enough salmon in the middle from one end to the other. Fold as in the image and sear to a nice colour on each side and especially to seal the folded edges.
- Do the same with the rest. Makes four wraps.
Another tip is a simple pasta or rice noodles meal. Whenever I prepare pasta, I boil extra to just before al dente, cool and divide into portions in sealed food plastic bags to freeze. When needed, I remove them from their bags and pop them in the microwave oven in covered microwavable containers to defrost. Use any type of pasta as preferred.
Boiled Pasta or rice noodles
FM's Pickled Salmon
Flat Leaf Parsley
Salt (optional)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Slice broccoli into small florets and mince the parsley.
- Mix enough salmon, broccoli and parsley together and microwave to cook. Remove from microwave oven and mix together with pasta or rice noodles and olive oil. Season with salt if necessary.
How about cheesy salmon pasta?
Boiled pasta for two persons
100g FM's Pickled Salmon
200g tomatoes
1/2 cup water
Bay Leaves
50g mozarella cheese
Salt (optional)
1 tbsp grapeseed oil
- Slice tomatoes and blend with salmon and water.
- Bring to a boil in a saucepan, add bay leaves and simmer for 5 minutes.
- Add cheese, give it a stir and mix in grapeseed oil.
- Mix pasta with sauce and serve with minced parsley.
** When making pasta dish, test for taste and add salt only if necessary because salt has been added when boiling pasta and the Pickled Salmon is already seasoned.
FM's Pickled Salmon
Fresh Orange Juice
- Blend together adequate amount of each to make a thick consistency as a dip for fruits and garden salad.